
  • Tasmania has many 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation Irish and Scottish families and as a result we have a thriving community of musicians who regularly meet around the state to play traditional Celtic music together.

    Our primary aim is to promote traditional music by giving players across the state a place to communicate and collaborate. We also plan to develop educational resources and events for current trad players to learn something new and to help anyone wishing to pick up an instrument and dive into this infectious style of music.

    Currently our state has many enthusiastic players and we want to inspire and nurture the next generation to ensure Celtic music continues to be played and enjoyed in Tasmania for years to come.

    Please Join our Face Book Community

    Thanks to our sponsors
  • Tasmania has many 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation Irish and Scottish families and as a result we have a thriving community of musicians who regularly meet around the state to play traditional Celtic music together.

    Our primary aim is to promote traditional music by giving players across the state a place to communicate and collaborate. We also plan to develop educational resources and events for current trad players to learn something new and to help anyone wishing to pick up an instrument and dive into this infectious style of music.

    Currently our state has many enthusiastic players and we want to inspire and nurture the next generation to ensure Celtic music continues to be played and enjoyed in Tasmania for years to come.

    Please Join our Face Book Community

    Thanks to our sponsors